This and That
My favorite new song at the moment!
Flipsyde - Trumpets
There's an older gentleman who often rides the bus I do in the mornings. He's always talking to himself. Aloud. Quite loud. I was thinking to myself, "That's totally me when I'm older." Then it dawned on me. That's me now. I already do talk to myself. Aloud. In public. God help me.

Does everything have to be a reminder of what's coming up next year?!? Sheesh.
Ok, people. This is war. Everytime someone comes to my desk to give me a new assignment or
explain something at work, I usually end up losing or gaining a writing utensil. More often than not, I end up losing one. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the cabinet to get a new pen because people take mine with them. It really shouldn't be that difficult to know if the pen is mine or yours, should it? The issue has only recently reached heightened proportions because we don't have any extra pens in the cabinet anymore, so I'm guarding the one I have with my life. Maybe I should write my name on it. Either that, or buy one of those with the troll on the end (You know, with the crazy pink hair). Then nobody should confuse it with their own. Plus, I could braid the hair during slow hours.

Und man sagt, die Deutschen verständen keinen Spaß…
I've been buying these packages of multigrain rolls at Aldi where I throw them in the oven for 8 minutes and they're good to go. There are supposed to be 8 in each bag. Recently, I realized there were 9 in the bag I had bought. Nice. Then, when purchasing another last week, I realized there were only 7. Although that would've evened me out from the previous week, I decided to search for a different bag. Next bag - 9. I know Aldi keeps prices very low, but perhaps they should consider introducing a MEAP test or something for its employees (If you're a product of the Michigan public school system, you'd know what that is!). Actually, do people or machines count out things like that? I dunno.
Flipsyde - Trumpets
There's an older gentleman who often rides the bus I do in the mornings. He's always talking to himself. Aloud. Quite loud. I was thinking to myself, "That's totally me when I'm older." Then it dawned on me. That's me now. I already do talk to myself. Aloud. In public. God help me.

Does everything have to be a reminder of what's coming up next year?!? Sheesh.
Ok, people. This is war. Everytime someone comes to my desk to give me a new assignment or

Und man sagt, die Deutschen verständen keinen Spaß…
I've been buying these packages of multigrain rolls at Aldi where I throw them in the oven for 8 minutes and they're good to go. There are supposed to be 8 in each bag. Recently, I realized there were 9 in the bag I had bought. Nice. Then, when purchasing another last week, I realized there were only 7. Although that would've evened me out from the previous week, I decided to search for a different bag. Next bag - 9. I know Aldi keeps prices very low, but perhaps they should consider introducing a MEAP test or something for its employees (If you're a product of the Michigan public school system, you'd know what that is!). Actually, do people or machines count out things like that? I dunno.
schätzchen, Du hast wenigstens noch ein Jahr ;-) hast Du meine Einladung bekommen ?
Stimmt... heisst aber noch ein Jahr dran zu denken! Uii....
Klaro hab die Einladung bekommen. Wollte mich diese Woche bei Dir melden - Habs vor, da zu sein und mitzufeiern :-) Bin nur noch net sicher, ob ich uebernachte... Ich glaub wahrscheinlich net.
ok, kannst auch schon am samstag kommen, mit uns reinfeiern - bei uns pennen und dann sonntag abend zurückfahren, oder so ! überleg's dir !
hmm waere auch moeglich (meine eltern fahren an dem samstag ab). also wenns dir nix ausmacht, dann suche ich nach ner hinfahrt an dem tag...
absolut kein problem, wir haben zwar noch andere freunde zu besuch - aber platz ist genug - und dann feiern wir von samstag auf sonntag in den geburtstag rein ;-)
schön, freue mich, dass es bei dir klappt ;-) !
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