Always Listen to Grandma
I've now got some other things brewing in addition to the search for a new job. If nothing else, it's a mildly entertaining diversion from the otherwise daily doldrums.
My parents called the other day and mentioned that my soon-to-be 90 year old grandmother in Ohio said she's already made up her mind for whom she'll vote come November. "McCain...?" I uttered with little excitement. "Nope, she's for Obama. Says this country needs a change." Sure surprised me a bit. Go Grandma!
I left our office the other day during lunch (interview) and when I came back, the place was dark. We had lost power! Two people even got stuck in the elevator. Keep in mind we only have two floors. Good lord. The fire department had to come and get them out. Power was restored in the building after an hour or so, but it served as a pretty good excuse for everyone to stand around and waste time, even though many could still work using their laptops. You'll be happy to know that I wasn't standing around conversing. I was much too busy surfing the web at my desk.
Wait a minute - Did someone just mention something about being rescued by firemen...? Sigh.
"Try Flatmate Meetup. It's kind of like speed-dating, but if things go well, you sleep in separate beds." Haha. Love it.
My parents called the other day and mentioned that my soon-to-be 90 year old grandmother in Ohio said she's already made up her mind for whom she'll vote come November. "McCain...?" I uttered with little excitement. "Nope, she's for Obama. Says this country needs a change." Sure surprised me a bit. Go Grandma!
I left our office the other day during lunch (interview) and when I came back, the place was dark. We had lost power! Two people even got stuck in the elevator. Keep in mind we only have two floors. Good lord. The fire department had to come and get them out. Power was restored in the building after an hour or so, but it served as a pretty good excuse for everyone to stand around and waste time, even though many could still work using their laptops. You'll be happy to know that I wasn't standing around conversing. I was much too busy surfing the web at my desk.
Wait a minute - Did someone just mention something about being rescued by firemen...? Sigh.
"Try Flatmate Meetup. It's kind of like speed-dating, but if things go well, you sleep in separate beds." Haha. Love it.