Sunday, October 08, 2006

Planning 2007...

So it was a nice, quiet weekend for me. Since Friday, I've felt like I'm about to become ill, but it hasn't broken out yet. Maybe I'll dodge it again. Just took it easy around the apartment, and focused my efforts on planning some trips in 2007. Two flights are already booked, and I'm ready to book the third. End of March I'll be flying to Chicago to help Dean celebrate his 30th birthday, then head back to Michigan until Easter Sunday. I also booked a trip to Hamburg for four days in May. Great prices. Still want to get to Barcelona, London, and Rome, but so far I'm not sure whether those will happen and when. I also decided I want to head to Dubrovnik, Croatia for the week of my 30th birthday in June. I really like everything I've read about it as well as the pics that I've seen - very Meditteranean, bright blue water, tattered medieval walls, beaches, islands, old seaport, etc. It's something different and therefore quite appealing. The only thing preventing me from booking is trying to decide whether to spend a full seven days there (leaving on my birthday) or just 4-5 days (leaving a couple days after). The second option would obviously leave me free to make other plans for my birthday weekend. Hmm...

In other unrelated (or related?) news, Deloitte finally completed my tax return for last year and I'm getting a nicer chunk of change back than expected. How nice. Deloitte's my friend.

I wanted to sneak in another trip before heading home to Michigan in December, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I'm just not finding any decent flight deals to the places I'm interested in visiting. I guess it wouldn't hurt to save the vacation days for next year anyway, as I've pretty much got them all planned out for 2007, including taking the entire month of September off.

Ok, finally got some new pics posted on my website... Not so bad, eh?


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