Monday, October 30, 2006


Friday night was a bit odd. I got myself all prettied up, and after finishing, I had absolutely no desire to go out. So I stayed in. And looked pretty.

I've reached the one year marker for this third stay in Germany, as I relocated last year on Oct. 30th. Hooray. I remember the excitement back then, the anticipation, the hopes and dreams for an amazing two years abroad. What a naive fool… ha. Oh well. So not everything has materialized to the extent expected or hoped for, but I've altered my expectations (ie. lowered them as far as possible) and am planning to enjoy the next 10.5 months as much as possible. It's a good thing I have a bunch of trips planned. Those will keep me going next year, as well as the process of determining where I'll end up when relocating back to the U.S.

In the meantime, I don't like my current manager (whom I've had since July). In fact, I really don't like him. I've never felt as uncomfortable around a manager as I do around him. The man ignores me beyond any extent you can imagine. He acknowledges everyone else in the group but me. I just get a very cold vibe from him. I think my other managers in Germany made an extra attempt to make me feel welcome, being foreign and all, but this guy has gone completely in the opposite direction. To be fair, nobody else likes him and it is common knowledge that he's a substandard manager. But with me, he's not only less friendly than he is to the others, he just outright ignores me. Even others in my group have noticed.

I guess it's a good thing that I don't get any tasks directly from him. I'm in his group until May, so as long as he continues to sign off on my vacation requests, I can get by. Which reminds me - he has yet to approve my extended Christmas vacation, which has me a bit concerned.

Wednesday is a public holiday, so I think I can handle the 2-1-2 format this week. Let's do it.


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